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Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms Type Author Description
FLibSYS System API functions 1.5 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM Special Roman Savochenko
Maxim Lysenko (2009) — the page translation
Provides the library of system API functions of user programming area.


Special module FLibSYS provides static library of functions for working with the OpenSCADA system at the level of its system API. These functions can be used in an user programming area of OpenSCADA system for the organization of not ordinary interaction algorithms.

To address the functions of the library you can use static call address "Special.FLibSYS.{Func}()" or dynamic "SYS.Special.FLibSYS["{Func}"].call()", "SYS.Special.FLibSYS.{Func}()". Where {Func} — function identifier in the library.

Below is the description of each function of the library. For each function it was evaluated the execution time. Measurements were made on the system with the following parameters: Athlon 64 3000 + (ALTLinux 4.0 (32bit)) by measuring the total execution time of the function when you call it 1000 times. Sampling was carried out of the five calculations, rounded to integer. Time is in angle brackets and is measured in microseconds.

1 System-wide functions

1.1 Calling the console commands and operating system utilities (sysCall)

Description:Call the console commands of the OS. The function offers great opportunities to the OpenSCADA user by calling any system software, utilities and scripts, as well as getting the access to the huge volume of system data by means of them. For example the command "ls-l" returns the detailed contents of the working directory.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
com Command String In


using Special.FLibSYS;
test=sysCall("ls -l");
messPut("Example",0,"Example: "+test);

1.2 DB: SQL request (dbReqSQL)

Description: Formation of the SQL-request req to the DB addr, inside (trans=true), outside (trans=false) or no matter (trans=EVAL) to a transaction. At an error the result's property "err" sets to the error value.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(Array) Return
addr DB address, "{TypeDB}.{DB}" String In
req SQL request String In
trans Transaction Boolean In EVAL

1.3 XML node (xmlNode)

Description: Creation of the XML node object.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(XMLNodeObj) Return
name Name String In


using Special.FLibSYS;
//Creating the "get"  object of the XML node.
req = xmlNode("get");
//Creating the "get" object of the XML node with creating attributes.
//sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1 — The path in accord of project structure.
req = xmlNode("get").setAttr("path","/sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1/%2fprm%2fst%2fen");

1.4 Request of the management interface (xmlCntrReq)

Description: Request of the management interface to the system via XML. The usual request is written in the form "<get path="/OPat/%2felem"/>". When we indicate the station the request to the external station is made.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
req Request Object(XMLNodeObj) Out
stat Station String In


using Special.FLibSYS;
//Geting status "Off/On" of the parameter "1" of the controller "1" of the module "ModBus".
//sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1 —  The path in accord of project structure.
req = xmlNode("get").setAttr("path","/sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1/%2fprm%2fst%2fen");
rez = xmlCntrReq(req);
messPut("test",0,"Example: "+req.text());

//Setting status "On" of the parameter "1" of the controller "1" of the module "ModBus".
req = xmlNode("set").setAttr("path","/sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1/%2fprm%2fst%2fen").setText(1);
rez = xmlCntrReq(req);

//Setting status "Off of the parameter "1" of the controller "1" of the module "ModBus".
req = xmlNode("set").setAttr("path","/sub_DAQ/mod_ModBus/cntr_1/prm_1/%2fprm%2fst%2fen").setText(0);
rez = xmlCntrReq(req);

1.5 Values archive (vArh)

Description: Getting the object of the values archive (VArchObj) by connecting to the archive using its address.

ID Name Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(VArchObj) Return
name Name and address to the attribute of the parameter (DAQ.{Module}.{Cntr}.{Prm}.{Attr}) with the archive or directly to the archive of values (Archive.va_{ValArchive}). String In

1.5.1 VArchObj object



using Special.FLibSYS;
val = vArh(strPath2Sep(addr)).get(time,uTime,0,archtor);
return val.isEval() ? "Empty" : real2str(val,prec);

1.6 Buffer of the values archive (vArhBuf)

Description: Getting the object of the buffer of the values archive (VArchObj) to perform the intermediate operations on frames of data.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(VArchObj) Return
tp Type of the values of the archive (0-Boolean, 1-Integer, 4-Real, 5-String) Integer In 1
sz Maximum buffer size Integer In 100
per periodicity of buffer (in microseconds) Integer In 1000000
hgrd Mode "Hard time grid" Boolean In 0
hres Mode "High time resolution (microseconds)" Boolean In 0

1.7 Input/Output (IO)

Description: Input/Output to: file, string stream.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(IO) Return
name File name or data (for string stream) String In
accs File access (""-string stream;"r[+]"-read;"w[+]"-write from zero;"a[+]"-append;...) String In
mFormat Machine data format ('n'-sys order;'b'-BigEndian;'l'-LittleEndian) Integer In "n"
enc String encoding in file Boolean In

1.7.1 IO object




2 Functions for the astronomical time processing

2.1 Time string (tmFStr) <3047>

Description: Converts an absolute time in the string of the required format. Recording of the format corresponds to the POSIX-function strftime.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
val Full date string String Return
sec Seconds Integer In 0
form Format String In %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S


using Special.FLibSYS;
test=tmFStr(SYS.time(),"%d %m %Y");
messPut("Example",0,"tmFStr(): "+test);

2.2 Full Date (tmDate) <973>

Description: Returns the full date in seconds, minutes, hours, etc., based on the absolute time in seconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
fullsec Full seconds Integer In 0
sec Seconds [0...59] Integer Out 0
min Minutes [0...59] Integer Out 0
hour Hours [0...23] Integer Out 0
mday Day of the month [1...31] Integer Out 0
month Month [0...11] Integer Out 0
year Year, from 1900 Integer Out 0
wday Day of the week [0...6] Integer Out 0
yday Day of the year [0...365] Integer Out 0
isdst Daylight saving time Integer Out 0


using Special.FLibSYS;
messPut("test",0,"Current minute: "+curMin);
messPut("test",0,"Current hour: "+curHour);
messPut("test",0,"Current day: "+curDay);
messPut("test",0,"Current month: "+curMonth);
messPut("test",0,"Current Year: "+curYear);

2.3 Absolute time (tmTime) <220>

Description: Returns the absolute time in seconds from the epoch and in microseconds, if usec is installed in a non-negative value.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
sec Seconds Integer Return 0
usec Microseconds Integer Out -1

2.4 Conversion the time from the symbolic representation to the time in seconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970 (tmStrPTime) <2600>

Description: Returns the time in seconds from the epoch of 1/1/1970, based on the string record of time, in accordance with the specified template. For example, template "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" corresponds the time "2006-08-08 11:21:55". Description of the format of the template can be obtained from the documentation on POSIX-function "strptime".

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
sec Seconds Integer Return 0
str Date string String In
form Date record format String In %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S


using Special.FLibSYS;
test = tmStrPTime(""+curYear+"-"+(curMonth+1)+"-"+curDay+" 9:0:0","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
messPut("Example",0,"tmStrPTime(): "+test);

2.5 Planning of the time in the Cron format (tmCron)

Description: Returns the time planned in the format of the Cron standard beginning from the base time of from the current time, if the base is not specified.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
res Result Integer Return 0
str Record in the Cron standard String In * * * * *
base Base time Integer In 0

2.6 Sleep (tmSleep)

Description: Short sleep from nanoseconds and up to STD_INTERF_TM (5 seconds).

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
res Result Integer Return 0
tm Time Real In

3 Functions of the messages processing

3.1 Messages request (messGet)

Description: Request of the system messages.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Object(Array) Return
btm Start time Integer In
etm End time Integer In
cat Category of the message String In
lev Level of the message Integer In
arch Archivator String In

3.2 Generation of the message (messPut)

Description: Formation of the system message.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
cat Category of the message String In
lev Level of the message Integer In
mess Text of the message String In


Special.FLibSYS.messPut("Example",1,"Event: "+rnd_sq_gr12_leniClr);

4 Functions of the strings processing

4.1 Getting the size of the string (strSize) <114>

Descroption: It is used to get the size.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Integer Return
str String String In


Special.FLibSYS.messPut("Example",1,"ReturnString: "+strSize("Example"));

4.2 Getting the part of the string (strSubstr) <413>

Description: It is used to det the part of the string.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
str String String In
pos Position Integer In 0
n Quantity Integer In -1


using Special.FLibSYS;
test=strSubstr("Example", 0, strSize("Example")-1);
messPut("Example",1,"ReturnString: "+test);

4.3 Insert of the on string to the another (strInsert) <1200>

Description: It is used to insert of the on string to the another.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
str String String Out
pos Position Integer In 0
ins Inserting string String In

4.4 Change the part of the string with the another one (strReplace) <531>

Description: It is used to change the part of the string with the another one.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
str String String Out
pos Позиция Integer In 0
n Quantity Integer In -1
repl Changing string String In

4.5 Parsing the string on separator (strParse) <537>

Description: It is used to parse the string on separator.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
str String String In
lev Level Integer In
sep Separator String In "."
off Offset Integer Out


using Special.FLibSYS;
messPut("Example",0,"strParse(): "+test);

4.6 Path parsing (strParsePath) <300>

Description: It is used for the parsing the path on the elements.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
path Path String In
lev Level Integer In
off Offset Integer Out


using Special.FLibSYS;
messPut("Example",1,"strParsePath(): "+test);

4.7 Path to the string with the separator (strPath2Sep)

Description: It is used to convert the path to the string with the separator.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
src Source String In
sep Separator String In "."


//Converting value "/ses_AGLKS/pg_so" of the attribute "path" into value "ses_AGLKS.pg_so"
using Special.FLibSYS;
test = strPath2Sep(path);
messPut("Example",0,"path: "+path);
messPut("Example",0,"strPath2Sep(): "+test);

4.8 Coding of the string to HTML (strEnc2HTML)

Description: It is used to code the string for using in the HTML source.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
src Source String In

4.9 Encode text to bin (strEnc2Bin)

Description: Use for encode text to bin, from format <00 A0 FA DE>.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
src Source String In

4.10 Decode text from bin (strDec4Bin)

Description: Use for decode text from bin to format <00 A0 FA DE>.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
src Source String In

4.11 Convert real to string (real2str)

Description: It is used to convert real to string.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
val Value Real In
prc Precision Integer In 4
tp Type String In "f"

4.12 Convert integer to string (int2str)

Description: It is used to convert integer to string.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
val Value Integer In
base Base, supported: 8, 10, 16 Integer In 10

4.13 Convert the string to real (str2real)

Description: It is used to convert string to real.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Real Return
val Value String In

4.14 Convert the to integer (str2int)

Description: It is used to convert string to integer.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Integer Return
val Value String In
base Base Integer In 0

4.15 Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC)

Description: Unified Cyclic Redundancy Code implement for 8-64 bits width.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Integer Return
data Data String Input
poly Polynomial (reversion) Integer Input 40961 (0xA001)
width Width Integer Input 16
init Initial Integer Input -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

4.16 Message Digest 5 (MD5)

Description: Message Digest 5 calculation.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result String Return
data Data String Input

5 Functions for the real processing

5.1 Float: Split to words (floatSplitWord)

Description: Splitting the float (4 bites) to the words (2 bites).

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
val Value Real In
w1 Word 1 Integer Out
w2 Word 2 Integer Out

5.2 Float: Merge from words (floatMergeWord)

Description: Merging the float (4 bites) from words (2 bites).

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
rez Result Real Return
w1 Word 1 Integer In
w2 Word 2 Integer In

5.3 Float: Extract (floatExtract)

Description: Extract mantissa and exponent from the float value.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
magn Magnitude Real Return
val Value Real In
exp Exponent Integer Out

6 User programming API

Some objects of the module provides functions for user's programming.

The object "Functions library" (SYS.Special.FLibMath)

The object "User function" (SYS.Special.FLibMath["funcID"])