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Module Name Version License Source Languages Platforms Type Author Description
FLibComplex1 Complex1 function's lib 1.1 GPL2 en,uk,ru,de x86,x86_64,ARM Special Roman Savochenko
Maxim Lysenko (2009) — the page translation
Provides the library of functions compatible with SCADA Complex1 of the firm "DIYA" Ltd.


Special module FLibComplex1 provides the OpenSCADA system with the static library of functions compatible with SCADA Complex1 of firm SIC "DIYA". These functions are used in the SCADA system Complex1 in the form of algoblocks to create inner-computings on the virtual controller. Provision of the library of these functions lets to do the transfer of computational algorithms from the system Complex1.

To address the functions of the library you can use static call address "Special.FLibComplex1.{Func}()" or dynamic "SYS.Special.FLibComplex1["{Func}"].call()", "SYS.Special.FLibComplex1.{Func}()". Where {Func} — function identifier in the library.

Below is the description of each function of the library. For each function it was evaluated the execution time. Measurements were made on the system with the following parameters: Athlon 64 3000 + (ALTLinux 4.0 (32bit)) by measuring the total execution time of the function when you call it 1000 times. Sampling was carried out of the five calculations, rounded to integer. Time is in angle brackets and is measured in microseconds.

1 Alarm (alarm) <111>

Description: Set alarm sign in the case of going out of the variable for the specified boundary.

out = if(val>max || val<min) true; else false;

2 Condition '<' (cond_lt) <239>

Description: Operation of branching in accordance with the condition "<".

out = if(in1<(in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4)) in3_1*in3_2*in3_3*in3_4;
      else in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4;

3 Condition '>' (cond_gt) <240>

Description: Operation of branching in accordance with the condition ">".

out = if(in1>(in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4)) in3_1*in3_2*in3_3*in3_4;
      else in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4;

4 Full condition (cond_full) <513>

Description: Full check of the conditions, including more, less and equal.

out = if(in1<(in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4)) in3_1*in3_2*in3_3*in3_4;
      else if( in1>(in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4) in5_1*in5_2*in5_3*in5_4;
      else in6_1*in6_2*in6_3*in6_4;

5 Digital block (digitBlock) <252>

Description: Function contains the control algorithm of digital signals acquisition for valves and pumps that contain: signs of "Open", "Close" and the command "Open", "Close", "Stop". Supports work with pulse commands, i.e. can read the signal through the specified period of time.

ID Parameter Type Mode
cmdOpen Command "Open" Bool Out
cmdClose Command "Close" Bool Out
cmdStop Command "Stop" Bool Out
stOpen Position "Opened" Bool In
stClose Position "Closed" Bool In
tCmd Command hold time (s) Integer In
frq Frequency of calculation (milliseconds) Integer In

6 Division (div) <526>

Description: Makes division of the set of variables.

out = (in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4*in1_5 + in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4*in2_5 + in3) /
      (in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4*in4_5 + in5_1*in5_2*in5_3*in5_4*in5_5 + in6);

7 Exponent (exp) <476>

Description: Calculating the exponent under the group of variables.

out = exp (in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4*in1_5 + (in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4*in2_5+in3) /
          (in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4*in4_5+in5) )

8 Flow (flow) <235>

Description: Calculation of the gas flow.

f = K1*((K3+K4*x)^K2);

9 Iterator (increment) <181>

Description: Iterative calculation with the increment specifying. Gain ratio for different directions is different.

out = if( in1 > in2 ) in2 + in3*(in1-in2); 
      else in2 - in4*(in2-in1);

10 Lag (lag) <121>

Description:Variation of the variable lag. Practice, this is the filter without reference to time.

y = y - Klag*( y - x );

11 Simple multiplication(mult) <259>

Description: Simple multiplication with division.

out = (in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4*in1_5*in1_6)/

12 Multiplication + Division(multDiv) <468>

Description: Branched multiplication + division.

out = in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4*in1_5*

13 PID regulator (pid) <745>

Description: Proportional-integral-differential regulator.

ID Parameter Type Mode By defaults
var Variable Real In 0
sp Set point Real Out 0
max Maximum of scale Real In 100
min Minimum of scale Real In 0
manIn Manual input (%) Real In 0
out Out (%) Real Return 0
auto Auto Bool In 0
casc Cascade Bool In 0
Kp Kp Real In 1
Ti Ti (ms) Integer In 1000
Kd Kd Real In 1
Td Td (ms) Integer In 0
Tzd Td lag (ms) Integer In 0
Hup Upper limit of the out (%) Real In 100
Hdwn Lower limit of the out (%) Real In 0
Zi Insensitivity (%) Real In 1
followSp Follow sp from var on manual Bool In 1
K1 Koef. of the input 1 Real In 0
in1 Input 1 Real In 0
K2 Koef. of the input 2 Real In 0
in2 Input 2 Real In 0
K3 Koef. of the input 3 Real In 0
in3 Input 3 Real In 0
K4 Koef. of the input 4 Real In 0
in4 Input 4 Real In 0
f_frq Frequency of calculation (Hz) Real In 1

FLibComplex1 PID.png

14 Power (pow) <564>

Description: Raising to the power

out = (in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4*in1_5)^
      (in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4*in2_5 + (in3_1*in3_2*in3_3*in3_4*in3_5)/

15 Selection (select) <156>

Description: Selection of the one from four options.

out = if(sel = 1) in1_1*in1_2*in1_3*in1_4;
      if(sel = 2) in2_1*in2_2*in2_3*in2_4;
      if(sel = 3) in3_1*in3_2*in3_3*in3_4;
      if(sel = 4) in4_1*in4_2*in4_3*in4_4;

16 Simple integrator (sum) <404>

Description: A simple summation with the multiplication.

out = in1_1*in1_2+in2_1*in2_2+in3_1*in3_2+in4_1*in4_2
      + in5_1*in5_2+in6_1*in6_2+in7_1*in7_2+in8_1*in8_2;

17 Sum with the division (sum_div) <518>

Description: The summation the set of values with the division.

out = in1_1*in1_2*(in1_3+in1_4/in1_5) + 
      in2_1*in2_2*(in2_3+in2_4/in2_5) +
      in3_1*in3_2*(in3_3+in3_4/in3_5) + 

18 Sum with the multiplication. (sum_mult) <483>

Description: The summation the set of values with the multiplication.

out = in1_1*in1_2*(in1_3*in1_4+in1_5) + 
      in2_1*in2_2*(in2_3*in2_4+in2_5) +
      in3_1*in3_2*(in3_3*in3_4+in3_5) + 

19 User programming API

Some objects of the module provides functions for user's programming.

The object "Functions library" (SYS.Special.FLibComplex1)

The object "User function" (SYS.Special.FLibComplex1["funcID"])